40 Reasons to use Linux (More coming
- Linux is Stable! Stability of UNIX-based
systems has been proven for over 30 years. You can run a Linux
computer for years without doing a reboot.
- Linux is Secure! No daily security holes!
- Linux is Fast! And it gets faster
- Linux is Efficient! Linux programs give you
the same results with less memory, disk space and CPU speed!
- Linux is open source! Which means it is free
to use, distribute and modify, there are communities around it and
it will remain free! In fact the open source community alone is
something you've got to try!
- Linux improves fast! Every point release has
more improvements than major releases on other systems!
- Linux follows standards! Linux uses POSIX
standards and most programs in Linux (like web page editors) follow
- Linux gives you choice! Different
distributions, desktops, instant messengers, DVD players, etc.
- Linux is portable! Just take it with you! All
you need is a CD-based distro like Knoppix or those that run from
business card discs or flash memories and optionally a flash memory
to store your stuff.
- Linux is platform portable! From PDAs and
routers to servers and clusters ... Linux runs everywhere!
- Linux is International! Because of its open
source nature it supports many languages.
- Linux is great for Network So many great tools
you wouldn't even imagine having on other systems!
- Linux is great for Multimedia When it gets to
making videos and audio Linux is the best!
Linux is Hollywood's choice for movies like StarWars and
I have a Linux-based home theater system!
- Linux is great for Graphics Whether you're
into 3D graphics or image editing Linux has the tool for you!
- Linux lets you share power! Some video editing
programs for Linux let you use other Linux machines (even older
ones) on your network to do part of the processing for you!
- Linux is great for 3D gaming! 3D games run
faster and smoother in Linux!
- Linux is great for classic gaming! emulate
virtually any game console using Linux! Or just use clones of
popular classic games like Super Mario on Linux.
- Linux is great for Kidz! Linux has interfaces
great for kidz!
- Linux is great for schools! Linux has great
educational tools every school dreams of!
- Linux is great for libraries! Linux performs
much better on a public access computer than any other system!
- Linux is great for research! Many researchers
have made great tools and made them available for free!
- Linux has cool games! Check out many cool
games like Flightgear, Cube and BZFlag at happypenguin.org!
- Linux has cool desktop environments! KDE and GNOME look cool, have great features
and perform better! Plus you have choices of which one to use and
how to use it.
- Linux has cool icons! Two words: Everaldo Crystal
- Linux has cool themes! Check out all those
greak themes for KDE, GNOME or whatever desktop you use, mouse
pointers (like Jimmac), etc. at KDE-Look
- Linux has cool software! Just check out the
hundreds of free software titles that come with any
- Linux is great for network! As a server or a
client Linux has more network features than any other system.
- Linux is multi-user! Many users can work at
the same time.
- Linux can be accessed from anywhere! Access
your Linux box from any other machine!
- Linux is multi-tasking! One crash doesn't cost
you 1 week of work.
- Linux is a rescuer! When other systems are
messed up you can rescue you file with a bootable Linux CD.
- Linux opens damaged floppies! Sure you
probably don't use them anymore but I've lost count of the number
of times I made grad students happy by saving their thesis with
- Linux restores your drive! With a nice program
called PartImage you can restore you drive, no matter what OS is on
- Linux has easy software installation and
upgrade! With distributions such as Debian, SuSE, Mandrake
and Fedora you can download and install software off the internet
based on category and description.
- Linux can turn your game console into a desktop
computer! Both Xbox and PS2 are actually desktop
computers. All it takes is Linux to make use of them as actually
- Linux installs fast and easy! Just boot from
your Knoppix CD, select install, answer a couple of questions and
you're done!
- Linux doesn't need to be reinstalled... ever!
In fact you don't even have to reboot. I don't remember that last
time I saw the login screen of my laptop!
- Linux compatible remains compatible! Once
something's compatible with Linux it is very likely to stay
compatible even if the manufacturer drops support because community
support is always there for you.
- Linux is a programmer's dream! You can't
imagine having tools that come with Linux is any other system.
- Linux is plain cool stuff! Just try it and see
it for yourself...