Computer Science Pages

Papers & Projects @ York University

Master's Thesis – ID Navigation

I completed my Master's thesis under supervision of professor Scott Mackenzie while being funded by professor Nick Cercone at York University in 2007-09.

My research is on ID-Navigation, an improved method to browse the web using only a keyboard. This is done by assigning shortcuts to elements on the page using unique IDs. For detailed information on my research you can read my Master's Thesis. Here's an screenshot of the technique in action:

Screenshot of ID Navigation

The method was implemented as a Firefox extension. You can download the extension & try it for yourself. I recently upgraded it for Firefox 3.5. If you notice any problems or bugs with the browser, please let me know.


Undergraduate Work Archive

I also got my undergraduate degree at York University in 2005 (B.Sc. Specialized Honours in Computer Science). In addition to a project that I did, you will find some notes & projects that I'm keeping here for reference.

Copyright © 2002-2005:
Hooman Baradaran <webmaster_AT_hoomanb-dot-com>
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